Find the Magic in Your MESSage

Hey! I’m Stephanie Cariker, a hyper-focused, strategy-driven communications consultant who helps big-hearted brands and non-profits clarify their messaging and build the beautiful containers they need to shine.

At the heart of your brand lies a powerful mission—a passionate desire to leave this world better than you found it.

The thing is, getting that vision out of your head and into the hearts of your supporters, isn’t always so easy. 

That’s where I come in.

As a highly sensitive creative, I will snuggle up to you as a strategic partner, listening deeply to your needs and deciphering your unique values, voice and goals.  Together we will create actionable steps to clarify your big ideas, create them in both print and digital formats, and share them confidently with the world. 

Choose your Medicine

"Help! I have serious website shame."

Does your website look like it was built in the era of the Commodore 64? Do you find yourself shying away from sending people there? Whether it’s because your brand has taken on several evolutions since your website launch or you simply want to upgrade the framework, I will take your website shame to website fame!


"They say content is king. Does that mean I need to post every day?"

Yes and no. Content is still king, but only when it’s consistent. But consistency means nothing if you don’t have a clear strategy. 

I can help you distill your big ideas, define your audience, refine your brand look, feel and voice, and help you accurately show up the way you want to be seen in both the print and digital worlds. 

Meet the Team

While I’ve got a support system that could hold a team of elephants,
when it comes to my work, it’s just…


Head of branding, website building, content creating and green tea brewing.


Brainstormer, idea distiller, strategy spinner, clarity coach and problem solver.

& I

Mother, wife, friend, fun-haver, storyteller, yogi and teacher. 

"No way you do all that!?"

I’ve been at this a long time and one thing I’ve learned is: too many chefs in the kitchen will muddle the pie.

That’s why I wear so many hats. 

So that, from start to finish, whether we are distilling your big idea, defining your brand, crafting content or creating surefire strategy, we keep your message (and your magic) clear.